Elena Sacilotto

She obtained Classical High School Graduation 2014.
In 2017 she graduated in Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche at the University of Pavia with 110/110 with a Bachelor’s thesis on the mental representation of the hand.
In 2019 she graduated in Psychology at the University of Pavia with an evaluation of 110/100 with honors with a master thesis on Body Identity Dysphoria.
From October 2019 PhD she is a student in Psychology, Neuroscience and Data Science at the University of Pavia in the study of the relationship between Neuroscience and Art in collaboration with ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano di Niguarda, Medicinema Italia and Fondazione Don Gnocchi (Centro Girola).
In 2020 she took part in the creation of the abstract “Attention to Body parts alters thermoregulation in Body Integrity Dysphoria (BID)” (G.Salvato, L. Zapparoli, M. Gandola, E. Sacilotto, N. Ludwig, M. Gargano, G. Saetta, P. Brugger, E. Paulesu, G. Bottini).
She deals with studies on the mental representation of the body at the University of Pavia and ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano di Niguarda in Milan.
In 2020, she obtained the job of tutor for the academic year 2020-2021.